A spectacular bouquet bursting in blooms from black-eyed susans, roses, pansies and more, all set in a beautiful basket. Breathtaking! Adele Veres' vintage circa 1985 design is wonderfully detailed and worked in vibrant colors to help capture all the natural beauty of each and every petal. Looking for something special to perk up your decor? This classic cottage style bouquet will be a focal point in any room~ it fits from shabby chic to contemporary~ stitch it now for your own home or that of someone special!
Size: 22"x24" (55 x 60 cm) Kit contains: Persial wool yarn, cotton embroidery thread, design printed on cotton cottage cloth, needle, and easy instructions. Proudly made in the USA
Designer: Adele Veres
Manufacturer: Dimensions
Size: 22"x24" (55x60 cm)
Year/Condition: 1985/Vintage New in Shrinkwrap; this cover photo has some writing in the top corner.