We are pleased to bring this Counted Cross Stitch Jiffy Sunset Design to our collection. On 16 Count dove grey Aida fabric, you will stitch this adorable puppy dalmatian laying down on his babyblue blanket taking a nap. underneath this puppy Never underestimate the power of a nap is to be stitched in a playful red font. Perfect design for any cross stitch enthusiast to stitch as a quick project. This design was inspired by a photograph provided by Harv Gariety
Size: 7"x5"
Kit Contains: Cotton thread, 16 Count dove grey Aida, needle, and easy to follow instructions. Proudly made in the U.S.A.
Artist: Jiffy Sunset Artisans
Manufacturer: Sunset Designs/ Dimensions
Year/Condition: 2003/Vintage new