Rich, color shades of Persian wool create this Victorian crazy quilt stocking~ complete with top stitching around each patch. The look of lace adds an elegant touch to Nancy Rossi's long out of production vintage circa 1988 design. Whether you love Victoriana, collect quilts, or are in search of a unique and elegant addition to your holiday decor, this lovely item for the needlepoint artist will suit nicely!
Want more great crazy quilt needlepoint designs? Be sure to check out our sister site at
Size: 16" long ( 40 cm)
Kit contains: Persian wool yarn, cotton embroidery and perle cotton thread, design printed in full color on 12 mesh cotton canvas, felt for stocking back and hanger, needle, and easy instructions including an alphabet chart for personalizing. Proudly made in the USA+
Artist: Nancy Rossi
Manufacturer: Dimensions, Inc
Year/Condition: 1988/ Vintage New